
Map of Verant

“Creatures of all shapes and sizes came to life across the Land of Many Things, some short and stout, others slender with ears as pointed as their demeanors. None were able to match the original humans’ propensity for all things magical, the fledglings taking a formulaic approach to the arcane, with intuition no longer serving a place in magic. And so, for nearly eight thousand years, the people of Verant toiled, fought, lived, and died, as peaceful as one could hope with such divergent peoples.”

“The Oak of Repose, Academy City of the Grand Catechism. Seat of the Grand Magus and tens of thousands of catechumen, the ancient oak tree hosts an entire complex of universities, gardens, and is rumored to sit upon the furtive Kernel, the greatest collection of magical knowledge and artifacts known to the noble world.”